Parish Pastoral Council Minutes - May 22nd 2023

Parish Pastoral Council Minutes
Monday, May 22nd, 2023

In Attendance: Fr. Guy Roberts, Deacon Tom Hosty, Matt Sierp, Patty Cain, Claire Jackson, Steve Looney, Ben Laker, Jeremy Schoettle

Father Guy opened the meeting with a prayer and shared a reading with reflection.

Quorum was not met, April minutes to be held until the June meeting for approval.  No voting occurred during this meeting. 

Pastor’s Report: Fr. Guy ended Taekwondo for the semester.  There was a very good class turnout for this semester.  This included an in-house tournament at the end of the semester.  The finalists received medals.
The women’s pilgrimage to Holy Land, theme Women of the Bible, will be June 10, 2024.  Fr. Guy is encouraging women to sign up.  The maximum available for the pilgrimage is 40.
Corpus Christi procession will be back this year.  This did not happen in 2022 because the Archdiocese had a procession at the same time.
In pastoral visioning we identified engaging those who are actively disengaged.  A team will be formed under the Stewardship Commission.  

Financial and Operational Report:  Everything is on track with financials. Finance council has approved the budget for the upcoming fiscal year.  More details will be available soon.

Stewardship Committee Update:  Under goal on covenant renewal.  The goal was 60%.  We will try to increase covenant renewal responses next year.  At least 60% of the parish does give financially regardless of covenant renewal response.  For 2024 the idea was suggested to have a table with someone to answer questions and hand out covenant renewal forms.

Operations Update: Facilities:  A new HVAC system for church is on order, expected in September. The church HVAC unit is from 1986.

Men’s Club:  Sports field update from Deacon Tom.  The grading will be mostly where the two houses used to be.  The field will be available for PE classes, soccer etc after all.  Cahills will be leveling out by the old house lots and the practice fields.  

The Men’s Club will be paying for grading which will be about $15,000.  Additional irrigation will be added which will be another $17,000.  They also will be paying $28,000 for a 5 ft vinyl chain-link fence around the field.  All of these expenses will be paid by the Men’s Club. This will greatly lower the Men’s Club balance available for spending, so we will need to encourage others to participate in the future in Men’s Club events such as the Monte Carlo Night.

The utility poles discussed at the last meeting that are near the field, are owned by AES.  It was quoted at $40,000 to relocate those.  $20,000 has been pledged by the Men’s Club towards this project.  This is a work in progress and more details will be available in the future.

Other Business:
Possibility of signs to post around the church property in the future to restrict access by motorized bikes etc.

It was mentioned that we should consider speed bumps for the parking lot to slow down people cutting through.  

Deacon Tom Hosty closed the meeting with a blessing.

Monday June 26th next meeting 7 pm.


Parish Pastoral Council Minutes - June 26th 2023


Parish Pastoral Council Minutes - April 24th 2023