Parish Pastoral Council Minutes - November 28th

Parish Pastoral Council Minutes - Monday, November 28th, 2022

In Attendance: Fr. Guy Roberts, Deacon Tom Hosty, Patty Cain, Matt Sierp, Steve Looney, Evalyn Steininger,

Jeff Feltz, Amberlie O’Toole, Ben Laker, Claire Jackson, Ryan Schnarr, Joe Sheehan, Wendy McCoy, Mark

Rund (parish life – new)

Father Guy opened the meeting with prayer. He shared Acts 2, verses 42 - 47 and a reflection.

The Minutes from the October meeting were approved.

Pastor’s Report: The school penance service and parish penance service is coming up. Brendan Slovacek

has been hired as our new Coordinator of Youth and Young Adult Ministries. He will be starting January 2 nd . 

School News - Principal’s report: The school just finished a very successful canned food drive. Funds

raised from the walk-a-thon were given to support area food pantries. Students continue to receive letters back

from Veterans that they have written to for Veteran’s Day.  The advent service project is currently underway

and toiletries are being donated for St. Vincent De Paul. The school Christmas concerts are also coming up.

Over ½ of the teaching staff has been certified in Stop the Bleed. 8 th graders just completed the High School

Placement Test for Roncalli. The Chili supper/open house was a success this month.

Financial and Operational Report: Tithing for October was above budget by $5,000 but $9,000 lower than

last year at this time.  Right now we are keeping an eye on it, but no red flags. A new HVAC was installed in

the school cafeteria and a new roof was installed on the rectory. The upper room roof will be repaired soon. A

new church HVAC has to be approved by the Diocese. Our boiler system has aged out and a new one is

$150,000 -$180,000.  Bids are being consulted with the Archdiocese.

Men’s Club: Ticket sales have improved for Men’s club Casino night that will be held December 10 th .

Stewardship Committee: Regular communication has been in the newsletter and bulletin concerning

stewardship. There will be a ministry leader appreciation dinner on January 19 th . The annual report will go out

by the end of January. The covenant renewal will take place in March. There is a possibility of a parish-wide

covenant renewal celebration on April 16 th or 23 rd .   JP Miller made a video for stewardship. 

Pastoral Visioning Process: Debriefing from meeting with Al Winseman: The Engaged group at St.

Barnabas was 32%. The Not Engaged group was 51%.This is higher than Catholic Overall and Faith Overall.

18% were in the actively disengaged. There was a dip in engagement in the age range of 45-64 year olds.

The plan is to release survey results after Advent and before Lent. Responses have come in from many

ministries & have been shared with the parish council. 

Father Guy proposed many points for us to ponder: How do we gather and collate it and make it

intelligible?  We need to find overarching themes and the pressing needs of the parish at this time. What

affects the majority of the parish? What are wants vs. needs?  What are our strengths and how can we grow?

We will look at the Gallup results which are objective vs. our In-house perspective which is subjective. Father

Guy put together a Pastoral Visioning Part II sheet that has key points to consider while digesting all of the

information from the ministries and ME25 results. For our meeting in January, the council goal should be to

establish 3 - 5 goals to move forward with further planning. We would possibly share these with the parish in

late February/beginning of March.

Father Guy shared the great commission Jesus gave to the Church in Matthew 28: verse 18 – 20. Father Guy

asked us what message sticks out to us in this passage: Go / Get out there / Take the field / Go make

disciples / Baptizing / Teaching / Know I am with you always. This starts with our own folks here.  If we

aren’t energized, how can we evangelize others?

Ongoing Business: A replacement for Evalyn is still being considered. 

The next meeting is on January 23 rd Monday 7 pm in the Grace Center.

Tom Hosty closed the meeting with a prayer.


Parish Pastoral Council - January 23rd 2023


Parish Pastoral Council Minutes - October 24th