Parish Pastoral Council Minutes - October 24th

Parish Pastoral Council Minutes

Monday, October 24th, 2022

In Attendance: Father Guy Roberts, Deacon Tom Hosty, Patty Cain, Matt Sierp, Steve Looney, Evalyn Steininger,

Jeremy Schoettle, Jeff Feltz, Amberlie O’Toole, Ben Laker, Claire Jackson

Father Guy opened the meeting with prayer. He shared the gospel of the day and a reflection.

The Minutes from the September meeting were approved.

Pastor’s Report: Father Guy mentioned how we are looking forward to our meeting with Al Winsman on Monday,

November 21 st . This will help us to step back and get an objective view of the parish needs and will be an opportunity for

grace and growth. We will be able to see the way we truly are instead of the way we think we are.

Historical giving is declining. The number of people giving is declining. We need to engage people because money

follows the mission. The Stewardship Commission has been reconstituted. Claire Jackson, new stewardship chair, was


In the long term we are looking at what we look like in 20 years. Father Guy shared that we need to invest in our youth.

Specifically young adults, high school and middle school age. St. Barnabas is looking for a new youth minister to replace

Jo De Leon who is leaving.

Financial and Operational Report: Steve Looney and Tom Hosty shared updates. We are down roughly $9000 below

budget and about $20,000 lower than last year at this time. It is too early to tell if this is a trend and so we are keeping an

eye on it. Currently, a new school cafeteria HVAC and rectory roof will be installed.

Stewardship Committee: Claire Jackson from the committee shared that in the month of November at Mass there will be

a Lay witness (November 6), the Pastor Talk (November 13), and turn in pledge cards (November 20 th ).

A small corner of the bulletin each week will focus on a different pillar. This will also be on our website and weekly

flocknote newsletter. The committee is working on a video segment and putting together a small pamphlet with a

description of St. Barnabas ministries. The goal is to have a return of 60% for pledge cards. It is currently at 47%. A

ministry leader appreciation dinner is scheduled for January 19 th .

Parish and School Safety Committee: $7500 has been set aside from three accounts to purchase safety equipment:

$2500 was given by the Men's Club, $2500 from the PTO, and $2500 from the school donations account. Teachers will

each have a Stop the Bleed Trauma Kit in every classroom; 1 additional large trauma kit for the school and 1 large trauma

kit for the church. Black curtains have been installed on classroom doors. The curtain can be pulled down so the door

window is blacked-out in the event of an active shooter. Sleeves are being put on doors so that the hinge can be locked.

Homeland security is going to do an assessment on November 7th. That will help us apply for a grant. Funds from that

could be used to harden entry doors and get cameras.

Ongoing Business: Parish Council terms are coming to an end for Evalyn and Jeff. Jeremy is good with 3 additional

years for his term since he just began the current term.

As for the Visioning process, surveys are coming in from the different ministries. The parish council was accepting of the

meeting in January for the stewardship commission and finance and parish councils to come up with a unified vision.

There will be 2 new Council members so we will have to bring them up to speed. The hope is in March to roll out the

vision to the parish.

Warrior code posters are in the works to be hung around the school and church.

The next meeting is November 21 at 6 pm in the Grace Center.

Tom Hosty closed the meeting with a prayer.


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