Parish Pastoral Council Minutes - May 23

In Attendance:  Fr. Guy Roberts, Matt Sierp, Tom Hosty, Joe Sheehan, Jeff Feltz, Wendy McCoy, Evalyn Steininger, Steve Looney, Patty Cain, Jeremy Schoettle, Amberlie O’Toole

Father Guy began the meeting with prayer, the Gospel reading and a reflection.

The minutes were approved from the April 25th meeting.
Tom suggested using a Display holder for the Narthex that will have a condensed version of meeting minutes to share with the parish after they are approved each month. 

Pastor’s Report:  Father Guy wants to go ahead with the Gallup ME25 survey here in the parish.  The ideal time is to wait until at least late August. 

Father would like everyone to talk with their respective ministries in August and through the fall season to look at what’s working and not working.

Principal’s Report:  Wendy shared that the school handbook revision is still underway.  Tom shared that the school is working on the end of the year budget.

Financial Report:  Steve shared that YTD we are better than last year.  Tithing is strong with $76,000 better than last year at this time and $53,000 better than budgeted for this year.  602 pledges returned which is a 43.5% rate of return. $1,865,147 has been pledged of the $2,300,000 budget. 

The budget was approved and due to the archdiocese June 15th.  

Parish Pastoral Council Constitution:  The new proposed council constitution was shared.  Corrections were suggested. Once these corrections are made, we will vote to approve the new council constitution at the next meeting.

Other News:  There is a need to do a safety reassessment for the school.  Parish council wants to reinitiate the safety commission. We do have many security features in place: controlled access to doors, cameras, intruder alarm systems, a well-lit parking lot. A patrol car will be asked to do a parking lot drive through specifically Friday and Saturday nights. The last safety training was 2.5 years ago.  We are open to more conversation.  It was suggested to get opinions from police officer parishioners on the best ways to be prepared.  We also discussed having an officer speak for 5 minutes during Mass to inform us what to do if we have an intruder.

The next meeting is Monday June 27th 6:30. No meeting will be held in July. 

Father closed the meeting with prayer.


Parish Pastoral Council Minutes - June 27


Parish Pastoral Council Minutes - April 25