Parish Pastoral Council Minutes - June 27

In Attendance: Ryan Schnarr, Tom Hosty, Matt Sierp, Wendy McCoy, Joe Sheehan, Fr. Guy Roberts, Evalyn Steininger,  Patty Cain, Jeff Feltz, Jeremy Schoettle 

Quorum was not met but the Constitution was approved by members in attendance since no one objected last meeting and no one responded with an objection via email. 

Father Guy began the meeting with prayer, read the Gospel reading for the day and shared a reflection. The minutes were approved from the May 23rd – meeting 

Pastor’s Report: 

A music director has been hired, Brad Lieto, will start at the end of the month. He has a degree in music and can direct handbells. He is studying at IU Bloomington for the next 3 years while working towards his PhD. 

Last week Fr. Guy and Tom met with some police officers to have officers on campus for the next few weeks. A threat assessment will be performed soon. 

Principal’s Report: 

We were awarded $309,000 in federal money to be spent by 9/23 to help offset budgetary things and technology.  

A new art teacher has been hired. There is one vacancy for a licensed 5/6 teacher. Mr. Barrett was hired as the middle school science teacher. Mrs. Collins has decided to return to 1st grade. Director of aftercare position will be posted soon. Interviewing for a school nurse position will be beginning soon. 

St. Barnabas was asked to partner with the Notre Dame Echo Program. Our new 7/8 theology teacher will come from this program. Joe Sheehan will be her mentor since he went through a similar program. 

Every year in July, Ryan has a threat assessment done for the school to send to the archdiocese.  

Financial and Operation Report: 

Tom shared that tithing is going well. 46% of the registered families participated in the covenant renewal. Parish police officers are willing to reconvene the security committee. Jo De Leon has been working on the parish website on the side with hopes of launching it August 1st. A new committee will be formed soon to look at facility usage and optimize space. 

Faith Formation: 

In the midst of Vacation Bible School this week. Sending out invitations to families that are not currently active but are registered. Working on a new curriculum for religion classes for the start of the new school year. 

Pastoral Associate: Paul Hnin has been a great addition. 

Pastoral Visioning Process:  

Gallup ME25 Survey (ME – membership engagement):  

The survey is recommended for anyone over 18 to take it. It will be pushed out in August but start announcing in July that it is coming. Survey takes about 3 minutes to complete. Paper copies of the survey are available. The questions could also be translated so that the Chin community may participate.  

Pastoral Visioning Process (August through January): 

Five years from now, three years from now, 12 months to get there. This continues so that every year going forward we continue to forecast. 

The parish council members need to communicate, attend a meeting, lead a discussion (guidelines were given during the meeting and emailed to the group on Monday, June 27th by Matt S.). The actual visioning for each committee/group  should not begin until the holidays/beginning of the year (IV on the guidelines). The visions should be turned into each parish council member and then we can come together as a group to meet with Fr. Guy. 

Next meeting is August 22nd in Grace Center. 

Deacon Tom Hosty closed the meeting with prayer.


End of Fiscal Year


Parish Pastoral Council Minutes - May 23