Parish Pastoral Council Minutes - September 26th

Parish Pastoral Council Minutes
Monday, September 26th, 2022

In Attendance:
Father Guy Roberts, Deacon Tom Hosty, Matt Sierp, Steve Looney, Evalyn Steininger, Wendy McCoy, Jeremy Schoettle, Patty Cain, Jeff Feltz, Amberlie O’Toole, Ben Laker

Father Guy opened the meeting with prayer. He shared the Gospel of the day and a reflection.
The Minutes from the August 22nd meeting were approved.

Pastor’s Report:
Welcome retreats for the men and women took place in September.  Both went well.

The Gallup Poll has been completed.  Demographics and the overall level of engagement of respondents have been shared with the council. Additional data that provides context for the survey results will be shared by Gallup expert, Rev. Al Winsman when we meet with him virtually. He will unpack the results when we are together on November 21st.

The Warrior Code has been the focus of the homilies the last several weeks with the final part being shared on Sunday, October 1st. Posters with the Warrior Code are being created to be displayed in the school, gym, and church areas.

Financial and Operational Report:
Tom Hosty shared that at fiscal year end tithing was up about 4.3%. Tithing this July was consistent with norm however was below budgeted expectations.

The End of the fiscal year report was filed with the Archdiocese September 15th.  A summary will run in upcoming parish bulletins.  Conflict of interest forms have been signed by necessary parish council members.

The council was provided with a list of anticipated and potential facility projects.  Some expenses may have to come out of our building fund.  A new boiler will be one of the biggest improvements.

The Parish school safety committee has met multiple times. The first tier of goals are: Stop the Bleed training, additional door locks, and Stop the Bleed kits.  A threat assessment will be done in October and the goal is to apply for Homeland Security grants to fund security enhancements.

 Tom shared a proposed facilities use plan. This proposal included the Grace Center being used as a designated youth space during the evenings and weekends. 

The Stewardship committee has set goals of regular communication to parish;  Those goals include presenting stewardship as a way of life and using social media, the parish website, and the bulletin to highlight current ministries. 

Regarding the Parish visioning process, by next month each committee leader should have serious thoughts from their respective committee. We won’t enact anything until after we have our talk with Al Winsman.

Patty suggested having parameters so that committee members would give concise, bulleted ideas.  Tom will create a Google form for them to submit their responses. The goal is to have all committees fill these out by the end of November.

Late January/early February we will present the vision to the parish – our mission, what our needs are, and where we need to go. It was mentioned to possibly try to come together as a council in December to align our thoughts for this, even though we typically don’t have a parish council meeting in December.

The next meeting is October 24th at 7 pm in the Grace Center.
Tom Hosty closed the meeting with a prayer.


First Quarter Narrative - July to Sept 2022


End of Fiscal Year